
I inhaled the froth of the hurling ocean

and bottled it up in a safe place;

the pit of my belly.

I let the breath of my nostrils

fill white billowed sails;

Lungs constricted.

I swallowed butterflies

that fluttered and lay restless;

trapped in my heart.

I danced with a forbidden tornado

in swirling gusts and turns;

my thought vortex.

I cried with an unbridled passion

of things past and of things to come;

blood tinged tears.

The end seems near

My eyesight gets blur

The body trembles,

sinking into the quicksand.

The next day I wake up smiling,

strolling by the quiet beach

the air back in my lungs



“Thank God I never drowned at sea”


Anxiety feels real to the body and mind and let nobody invalidate your experience. For everyone who has ever been through it or is still going through it, your are a fighter at sea, weathering storms no one might see. I know it is hard but you will get through it and the same seas that tormented you will be a quiet reflection of your inner strength. Never give up because you are not alone and when you feel discouraged always remember, “Sailors never drown at sea”.


Picture Credits: Pexels

Make a wish

Make a wish

But don’t blow it out

I’d rather blow it in

To wake up the flame 

residing within.

The doubts, 

 The shouts,

The inhibitions,

The anti-peace;

dance around

the flickering light

and melt like wax

When kissed 

With heat.


Picture Credits: Pexels



This poem encapsulates the way in which some of us deal with pain. There is often a tendency to suppress and suppress it in for years because we are afraid of facing our grotesque inner demons. In the poem we see a man trying to literally run away from his inner emotions, until it begins to start eating him from inside and even starts manifesting somatic-ally. Even then, he tries to avoid dealing with it, until he finally gives in to it and lets all the pain explode onto the sky.

The sky also is initially dark and brackish as it reflects his pessimistic world view. Unlike how he envisioned it, the darkness that is thrown out of him, becomes inlaid in the sky like shimmering diamonds. Even if it is excruciatingly hard to open up and deal with his dark emotions, he realises there is beauty in the pain. Not only does he get a release as the darkness is dealt with and externalized, but it acts like a beautiful memoir for everyone looking at the sky to connect with.

The universe is beautifully and infinitely connected and even if it seems like there are only dark skies, the stories of many strong men and women twinkle in the starlight, whispering that we are not alone.

PS: Each stanza of the poem is structured to to reflect one alphabet. (Do you see the four letter word? The first letter is F….). Next time you want to suppress, tell yourself to F. E. E. L.


Picture Credits: Pexels

Rejection (Blueberries #23)

The twisted pangs of rejection

Strikes like a

poisoned scorpion tail.

The pain hits you

from nowhere;

Like you have

entered a dark room 

Snaked with 

luminescent poison ivy.

The venom drips in

Like a sponge 

Dipped in warm honey;

The silence resounds 

Like gongs submerged 

In dark water.

The poison slowly 

Seeps in further

Shaped like a






We have all gone through rejection and that feeling is real, palpable, tangible. And it is okay to feel. It is okay to not. Maybe it is time to just be. Just stand as the waves crash against you. Give it time. You. Me. Us. We will overcome this.


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