Make a wish

Make a wish

But don’t blow it out

I’d rather blow it in

To wake up the flame 

residing within.

The doubts, 

 The shouts,

The inhibitions,

The anti-peace;

dance around

the flickering light

and melt like wax

When kissed 

With heat.


Picture Credits: Pexels


Cleansed lovers whisper

In overtones dark –

A tenebrous promise 

They never shall keep.

The light in temporal grandeur

Holds them a fix –

To churn out poetry

Like an ol butter milk sky.

Taunts of listless velvet pools 

Her eyes –

Red smears of sugar dust

His mouth – 

Lie of a love (vacant) under

The candlelight.

Their masks pretentious

Words counterfeit

Perform mechanics obliged

At the table for two 

soundlessly –

Inside the pockets of light.

Souls scream at absurdity

Of scintillating glow

He knocks the light stick –

Under table below

Feigning morose.

Oh, how darkness strikes

Like rusted Stygian knife


Yes, making alive.

Peeled off masks

clothes and pretense

Now lie at naked feet

~Rhapsodic ~

They danced in scintilla bare.


They shamelessly groped 

Souls akin – 

As half empty

Wine glasses peered

Cautiously at –

Luminescence divine

Possessing her body

when candlelight deflamed.